Oil and Gas

Offshore Steel Structure Engineer, PT JGC Indonesia

PT JGC INDONESIA We are leading Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Company in Oil & Gas Industry. We would like to invite qualified and [...]

19 Positions, Oil Serve, Saudi Arabia

Oil Support Services Recruitment for Saudi Arabia ONSHORE / OFFSHORE DRILLING SUPERVISOR B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering or equivalent, 15 years [...]

QC Specialist, Premier Oil, Jakarta

Premier Oil, an international oil and gas exploration and production Company with interest in the UK, Asia and Africa. We are currently seeking for high [...]

5 Positions, Santos, Indonesia

Santos is a major Australian oil and gas exploration and production company with interests and operations in every major Australian petroleum province and in [...]

10 positions PT JGC Indonesia

PT JGC INDONESIA We are leading Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Company in Oil & Gas Industry. We would like to invite qualified and [...]

Senior Geologist, Brunei National Petroleum Company

Fueling the Growth for Future Generations Brunei National Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad (PetroleumBRUNEI) is seeking experienced applicants to join [...]